My mom and my primary care physician encouraged me to listen to the idea of having surgery. I went to a presentation and was impressed by it. I also learned that having surgery wasn't taking the easy way out because it would still require a lot of work on my part. But I started the journey and eight months later I had the surgery. I'm coming up on two years. I'm at my ideal weight of 255 with my shoes on and I'm off of all prescription meds. I feel better and have more energy. People tell me I look hot. Never thought I would be called handsome or sexy. I should mention that the staff did a great job explaining everything and keeping me involved in my own progress, which had to be a challenge for them as I don't think they had ever had a blind patient before me. My business has improved and I started blogging about my experience. I am now looking at doing some coaching and public speaking. I want others to enjoy the changes I have since deciding to have the surgery.